There are many different ways to clean bricks, but there are some things you should never do.
Brick cleaning is an important part of maintaining a home that will last for generations. But how do you keep your bricks looking in great condition and waterproof? Here are some tips on how to properly clean your bricks.
Never use harsh chemicals or abrasives.
If you’re using a chemical cleaner, make sure it has been tested and you read the safety data sheet for the correct usage and that is safe for your family and pets. You also need to avoid using abrasive cleaners or brick cleaning acid because they can damage brick surfaces. Instead, try using a soft brush with water and soap.
Always wear protective gear when cleaning bricks.
Wear gloves, eye protection, and a dust mask when cleaning bricks. Also, use a bucket of warm water mixed with mild dishwashing liquid (like Dawn) and a sponge. Never use harsh chemicals such as bleach or ammonia.
Avoid using power tools.
Power tools can damage brick surfaces. If you must use them, wear protective clothing and goggles.
Never use a pressure washer.
Pressure washing machines can cause serious damage to brick walls. They blast water at high speeds through nozzles that can easily break bricks and leave a pitted surface. This type of cleaning also requires a lot of power and can leave behind harmful chemicals.
Never use a blowtorch.
A blowtorch is an electric torch with a nozzle that heats up to extremely high temperatures. It can melt concrete and brick surfaces, causing them to crack and crumble. If you must use a blowtorch, make sure to wear protective gear and follow safety precautions.
If you need to get a quote for professional brick cleaning by stonemasons call us on 020 7183 1126.